Arda Burak Atila
Software Engineer




Arda Burak Atila

I am a graduate of computer science engineering from the University of Pécs. Since 2018, I have been focusing on web development. My first programming skill is Python, and I have also developed skills in React and Java. I have worked on some school projects, one of which is "ParNote," a website similar to the MS OneNote application, which I created with my friends. Another project is my Vaadin Spring Boot project, and its repositories are available on my GitHub account.

Project - ParNote Note WebSite

ParNote works for my final university project. I completed with my friends. The project structure is two part. One part is the backend side repo: "ParNote App/ParNote" and another part is the UI side repo: "ParNote App/ParNote UI". Project languages used Kotlin, svelte, SCSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. We used the kanban method for stages. My task is to get information such as passwords, Recaptcha, and log in from the database with API (Kotlin Language) and I created token and email verification for security. In the UI part, I developed and designed the about me section of the login page using bootstrap and svelte. A note application which allows you to add, edit and share personal notes, collaborate with your friends and moreover discover other people notes.
ParNote Source Code


My Experience & Education


Education - University of Pécs Computer Science BSc Hungary

*GPA: 3.50 / 5.00
*Final School Project: Prepared a thesis about Internet of Things security.


Career - Crede Data Services & Trio Mobil Software Intern Turkey

*Used postman test API for all check in databases.
*Used Postman for API testing.
*Learned GET, POST, PULL, and DELETE methods.
*Learned how to send requests to API.
*Performed API testing with the Axios method over Javascript and react.


Career - Smartmind A.S Junior DWH & BI Consultant Turkey

Worked at Memorial Hospital DWH Project
*Created attribute mapping from an Excel sheet.
*The tables for the schemas were created on postqre SQL.
*Data transfers ETL started via Microsoft SSIS.
*Created temporary tables for the ODS layer via SSIS tool
*Used ETL from ODS to Data Warehouse (DWH).